入学要求 Requirement: 学术要求:You should normally hold a first degree equivalent to at least a British lower second-class bachelor's degree, in a non-computing subject. If your first degree contains only ...
入学要求 Requirement: 学术要求:You should normally hold a first degree equivalent to at least a British lower second class bachelor's degree in a computer-related subject. If your first degree is not in co...
入学要求 Requirement: 学术要求:Applicants are welcome from any academic discipline, as well as those in work and seeking continuing professional development. Admission is normally open to those with a mini...
入学要求 Requirement: 学术要求: You should normally hold a first degree equivalent to at least a British lower second-class bachelor’s degree in telecommunications, electronics, physics, computing or...
入学要求 Requirement: 学术要求: You should normally hold a first degree equivalent to at least a British lower second-class bachelor's degree in mechanical, automotive or motorsport engineering or a relate...
入学要求 Requirement: 学术要求: you should normally hold a first degree equivalent to at least a British lower second-class bachelor’s degree in mechanical engineering or a related discipline. Applic...
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