入学要求 Requirement:
学术要求: Applicants for the MSc should normally have obtained at least a 2:i degree (or equivalent) with a high mathematical content.
英语要求:IELTS 6.5, TOEFL (iBT) 92 or equivalent
学费 Tuition Fee:£12325(2011/12)
课程特征 Course Features:
The MSc provides a thorough grounding in statistical theory and techniques, as a launching pad for a professional career involving statistics, or as a prelude to a research degree. In addition to the lecture-based course the MSc requires a three-month project. The applications of a postgraduate degree in statistics are diverse. Consequently, graduates go on to enjoy careers in a wide variety of fields including: improving internet search and online advertising, culling gene sequencing information for cancer research, analysing sensor and location data to optimise the handling of food shipments and many more.
课程内容 Course Content :
MSc take eight lecture-course modules, two of which are compulsory (or core) modules:
•Statistical Methods
•An Introduction to Statistical Practice
The remaining six modules are chosen from a wide range of options, to suit the interests of individual students. The options include:
•Multivariate Statistics with Advanced Topics
•Designed Experiments with Advanced Topics
•Monte Carlo Methods
•Applied Stochastic Processes with Advanced Topics
•Financial Time Series
•Medical Statistics with Advanced Topics
•Bayesian Forecasting and Intervention with Advanced Topics
•Advanced Topics in Biostatistics
•Bayesian Statistics and Decision Theory with Advanced Topics
•Advanced Topics in Statistics
•Topics in Applied Probability
教学与评估 Teaching and Assessment:
Assessment is initially made for each module separately: some modules have an element of continuous assessment through coursework, but the majority of modules assessed through written examinations in May and June or, for some modules, January.